बुधवार, 27 अप्रैल 2016

Pranayama and AUM

Human can survive without food or water for many days but without air can survive only a few minutes. Due to lack of air Muscle contraction stops, Brain cellsare unable to work, Heart stops and Man dies. It is clear that breathing is important for life.
The processes of breathing or "respiration" are often described in two parts: External Respiration and Internal Respiration.

External Respiration is the processes by which external air is drawn into the body in order to supply the lungs with oxygen, and (used) air is expelled from the lungs in order to remove carbon dioxide from to body.Internal Respiration is the processes by which the gases in the air that has already been drawn into the lungs by external respiration are exchanged with gases in the blood/tissues so that carbon dioxide (CO2) is removed from the blood and replaced with oxygen (O2). Air comes into the body through the nose or mouth, and enters the airways. Airways are the tubes that carry air into our lungs. As they branch out, they become smaller and smaller, and eventually connect to small air sacs where fresh oxygen from the air is exchanged for carbon dioxide in the blood. This oxygen isthen taken through the blood to the rest of your body, where it is used to produce energy.
You inhale air into your nose or mouth and it travels down the back of yourYou inhale air into your nose or mouth and it travels down the back of yourthroat and into your windpipe, or trachea. Your trachea then divides into airpassages called bronchial tubes. As the bronchial tubes pass through the lungs, they divide into smaller air passages called bronchioles. The bronchioles end in tinyballoon-like air sacs called alveoli. Your body has over 300 million alveoli. Oxygen from the inhaled air passes through the alveoli walls and into the blood. After absorbing oxygen, the blood leaves the lungs and is carried to your heart.Your heart then pumps it through your body to provide oxygen to the cells of your tissues and organs.As the cells use the oxygen, carbon dioxide is produced and absorbed into the blood. Your blood then carries the carbon dioxide back to your lungs, where it is removed from the body when you exhale.Pranayam means control of pran or vital force. According to the Patanjali it means controlled breathing which includes deep inhaling, exhaling and retention of breath. With every breath the sound of AUM self-generate.Pranayam means control of pran or vital force. According to the Patanjali it means controlled breathing which includes deep inhaling, exhaling and retention of breath. With every breath the sound of AUM self-generate.It is said that the nature determines our life span on the basis of the number of respirations we do. A man, who regularly performs Pranayama,is required to take lesser number of breaths and therefore lives longer. When Air comes into the body through the nose or mouth it contains 20.948% oxygen and 0.0318% CO2. In alveoli after exchanging fresh oxygen and carbon dioxide the released air contains only 16% oxygenand 4% carbon dioxide. So if people have the habit of breathing deeply then blood receives more oxygen and blood flow more carbon dioxide.It is said that the nature determines our life span on the basis of the number of respirations we do. A man, who regularly performs Pranayama, is required to take lesser number of breaths and therefore lives longer. When Air comes into the body through the nose or mouth it contains 20.948% oxygen and 0.0318% CO2. In alveoli after exchanging fresh oxygen and carbon dioxide the released air contains only 16% oxygen and 4% carbon dioxide. So if people have the habit of breathing deeply then blood receives more oxygen and blood flow more carbon dioxide.Mental disturbances like excitement, anxiety, fear, anger, disappointment, lust for sex (lasciviousness) and other mental perversions can be calmed down by regular practice of Pranayama. Several diseases can be averted by regular practice of Pranayama. Besides, Pranayama practice improves the functions of the brain cells with the result that memory and the faculty of discrimination and observation improves, making it easy for the Sadhaka to perform concentration and meditation. Hence, it is obvious that the knowledge of the science of Pranayama and its regular practice enables a man to lead a healthy and long life. Mental disturbances like excitement, anxiety, fear, anger, disappointment, lust for sex (lasciviousness) and other mental perversions can be calmed down by regular practice of Pranayama. Several diseases can be averted by regular practice of Pranayama. Besides, Pranayama practice improves the functions of the brain cells with the result that memory and the faculty of discrimination and observation improves, making it easy for the Sadhaka to perform concentration and meditation. Hence, it is obvious that the knowledge of the science of Pranayama and its regular practice enables a man to lead a healthy and long life. 

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