रविवार, 24 अप्रैल 2016

What is Yoga

Veda, Upanishads and other Aryagranth confirm the fact that yoga affectsevery aspect of our lives effectively. Yoga is an ancient science, which leads to healthy body, joyous heart, peaceful mind and liberated soul. it   is an art based on a harmonizing system of development for the body, mind, and spirit. The continued practice of yoga will lead you to a sense  of peace and well-being, and also a feeling of being at one with their environment. 
When people make yoga as a part of his life then his life receives the happiness and prosperity.The practice of yoga makes the body strong and flexible, it also improves the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems.
Yoga brings about emotional stability and clarity of mind. Originated in ancient India, Yoga typically means 'union' between the mind, body and spirit. It involves the practice of physical postures and poses, which is sometimes referred to as 'asana' in Sanskrit. 
The ultimate aim of practicing Yoga is to create a balance between the body and the mind and to attain self-enlightenment. In order to accomplish it.Yoga makes use of different movements, breathing exercises, relaxation technique and meditation. Yoga is associated with a healthy and lively lifestyle with a balanced approach to life. 
Acharya Patanjali, the founder, hailed from the district of Gonda (Ganara) in Uttar Pradesh. He is considered to be the compiler of the Yoga Sutras, along with being the author of a commentary on Panini's Ashtadhyayi, known as Mahabhasya. He is also supposed to be the writer of a work on the ancient Indian medicine system, Ayurveda.He prescribed the control ofprana(life breath) as the means to control the body, mind and soul.
Yoga brings stability to the body and the wavering mind. Studies in the field of medicine suggest that Yoga is the only form of physical activity that provides complete exercise to the body, because it massages all the internal organs and glands. This in turn reduces the risk of many diseases. Yoga can create a positive permanent difference to the lifestyle of anybody practicing it on a regular basis. through pranayams(meditation and breathing exercises) you can banish all your stress and lead a healthy life. 
Moreover, no visible side effects are associated with the practice of Yoga on a regular basis. All you need to know is the most appropriate exercises meant for the structure of your body, while choosing the asanas of the activity. In addition, you need to know the right way of performing the asanas, because any wrong attempt can cause sprains and injuries. 
 Yoga has eight limbs where Acharya Patanjali shows the attainment of the ultimate bliss of God in samadhi through the disciplines of: yam, niyam, asan, pranayam, pratyahar, dhyan and dharna. The Science of Yoga has gained popularity because of its scientific approach and benefits. Yoga also holds the honored place as one of six philosophies in the Indian philosophical system. Acharya Patanjali will forever be remembered and revered as a pioneer in the science of self-discipline, happiness and self-realization.
positive effects on the health and mind that are visible over time. It improved immunity, weight loss, stress relief, inner peace leading to better inter-personal relationships, Purifies blood by getting rid of toxins and also increases oxygen level in blood and all around fitness. It increases the lubrication of joints, ligaments and tendons of the body.

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