सोमवार, 7 मार्च 2016

Maha Shivratri

Today is Maha Shivratri. It is an auspicious hindu festival celebrated annually. The celebration falls on the Krishna paksha Chaturdarshi (13th night and 14th day of ) hindu calendar month of phaguna and maagh. This day is dedicated to the worship of Lord of Shiva and his wife Parvati to celebrate their divine marriage.
The story of marriage of lord Shiva and Goddes Parvati;-

Lord Shiva was married to Sati who was the daughter of Daksha. The aesthetic lifestyle of Lord Shiva was disliked by Daksha and he firmly disapproved of the marriage of his daughter to him. This anger manifested itself when he conducted a very big yagna or religious sacrifice where he invited all the Gods but purposefully forgot to call his daughter or her husband.
Knowing about this Lord Shiva asked his wife Sati not to go to the yagna but she uninvited only to be insulted and ridiculed there. Unable to stand the insult meted out to her husband she jumped into the fire of the yagna and died. Lord Shiva was livid with rage and destroyed and killed everything in his path including Daksha.
Lord Vishnu used his discus to cut the dead body of Sati into several pieces and this helped calm the anger of Lord Shiva. However he was greatly disturbed by the death of his wife and retreated into a cave to meditate.

As promised to the Gods Sati was reborn as Goddess Parvati. Even as a young girl she was in love with Lord Shiva and wanted to marry him. In an effort to win his love and affection she decided to visit the cave where he was meditating and started cleaning and decorating it. However he remained unmoved by her love and dedication.
She continued her penance in rain and sun and her determination finally moved Lord Brahma who promised to grant her a wish. She wished to become extremely beautiful so that Lord Shiva would love her. Lord Brahma granted her wish and she was blessed with immense beauty.
She walked inside the cave radiating feminine beauty and grace and Lord Shiva was enchanted with her. He fell in love with her and they got married.

On this day (Maha Shivratri) the planetary position in the Northern hemisphere act as potent catalysts to help a person raise his or her spiritual energy more easily. A mantra have been created by Rishi Markandeya is "Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra". This mantra belongs to Lord Shiva. It is a combination of three hindi language words i.e
Maha- Great,
Mrityun- death,
which turns into "victory over death".
This mantra is read as
"Aum tryambakam yajamahe, sugandhim pustivardhanam
 urvarukamiva bandhanam, mrityormukshiya ma'mratat".

The benefits of this powerful ancient Sanskrit mantras - It is beneficial for Mental, physical health and Emotional and to be a moksha mantra , which bestows longevity and immortality. This mantra increase greatly on this night(Maha Shivratri).

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